Hip Pain At Night

Woman Experiencing Hip Pain after Waking

How Massage Can Help You with Nightly Hip Pain

Hip pain can be such a nuisance and can be completely debilitating. No matter your age, it will force you to take a step back and remind yourself that you should probably take better care of your body. Pain or discomfort, in general, is a vital warning that something is not right.

What is hip pain?

Hip pain is pain felt in the hip joint. When you have hip issues, chances are you will have a lot of trouble walking, sitting, and, worse, sleeping. The radiating pain you may experience down the hip typically goes all through the back of the knee and could affect your activities as well as your sleeping habits.

Common causes of hip pain

There are several conditions that can cause a person to experience hip pain. Here are the following:

Bursitis is the inflammation of bursae or fluid-like sacs found in the joints. When your bursae are inflamed, they can cause pain and discomfort.

Hip Osteoarthritis – known as the most common chronic joint problem, where the cartilage or the protective tissue that covers the ends of bones breaks down, which results in the bones rubbing together.

Hip Tendonitis – it's also referred to as swimmer's shoulder or jumper's knee, among many others. It's the inflammation of tendons or the thick cords that join the muscles to the bones.

Sciatic-piriformis Syndrome – lower back pressure or irritation of the nerves. It’s usually some pain that starts in the buttocks and all through the legs.

Wrong sleeping position – when you regularly experience hip pain at night, the culprit could most probably be the way you sleep or the mattress you have been using.

Pregnancy – being pregnant could also cause some hip pain due to the extra pressure on the spine and hips, especially around the third trimester.

Hip pain or discomfort can be felt in your thighs, inside or outside the hip joint, groin, and buttocks. The pain would depend on the condition and would typically worsen with some activity. Hip pain not only causes pain, but it also causes a considerable decrease in a person's range of motion.

Most times, people tend to ignore the signs and pretend that the pain will go away on its own. What will happen if you do? The hip is similar to your shoulder, and it could potentially cause impingement issues which could significantly impact your sleeping.

So, what can you do for relief?

Short-term relief

There are simple ways to relieve hip pain when it wakes you up at night. Here are a few things you can do before you go back to bed:

Make Changes to your sleeping position;

Add some cushioning to your hip by placing a wedge-shaped pillow. If you don't have one, you can fold a standard-shaped pillow into two to create that shape;

Place a pillow between your knees, which could help reduce stress on your thighs. You can also place one or more pillows under your knees.

Long-term relief

When the pain you’re experiencing is no longer affected by short-term relief remedies, and it has become bothersome, maybe it’s time for a long-term solution for it. Here are some options you can you

Lifestyle changes

One of the first things you must do is to make sure that your mattress is not the cause of your hip pain. Consider changing if your mattress is too firm, as it could add more pain to the area. You can also add a foam pad on your mattress when you sleep, so it could help with distributing your weight.

Doctor consultation

It would be best if you also considered consulting a doctor regarding the pain you are experiencing. Depending on the severity of the condition, your doctor may recommend going to a physical therapist or undergoing some test to find out the root cause of the hip pain.

Getting regular massages

Your doctor may also recommend getting specific massages in order to alleviate the pain you are experiencing. Here are the benefits of getting one regularly.

Benefits of getting regular massages for hip pain

Although massage is not typically the first option of treatment and should not be the primary choice when it comes to hip issues, especially if you are not aware of its causes, it does bring a lot of relief.

How does massage therapy help with hip pain?

The hip joint is a strong bone that is designed to withstand a fair amount of wear and tear as well as frequent motion. However, no matter how durable the hip joint could be, it does not change the fact that it’s not indestructible. Some factors like extreme activities and age could contribute to the breaking down of the cartilage, which causes the tendons and muscles to become overworked, leading to a painful injury. Hip pain could lead from a minor issue to a debilitating condition, and many therapists believe that massage therapy is an effective treatment for hip pain.

Improves blood circulation

When massage is applied to a specific area, tendons, and muscles, as well as blood vessels, are stimulated, thus, alleviating the inflammation that typically causes pain. This stimulation also helps with the blood flow.

Speeds up healing

Massage therapy is vital in boosting immune function as well as speeding up healing. Several studies have proven that getting regular massages helps increase the body's natural defense against diseases.

Improves mobility

Getting massage therapy on a regular basis is known to reduce muscle tension in the body and is also able to prevent from significant hip injuries from happening in the future.

Promotes relaxation

When you are experiencing some pain in your body, it isn't easy to relax. Massage can help you rest easily, which greatly relieves fatigue, giving you more energy in the morning. When you are in pain, it can definitely affect your life negatively, and experts have highlighted the role of massage in pain management to improve your overall health & wellness.

If you’ve been experiencing Hip Pain or Hip Pain at Night for a few days, weeks or month, book an appointment with us at CloudForm Massage so that we can take a look at what’s going on for you & provide soft tissue massage therapy relief so that you get a good nights rest again.


Hi! I’m Alan. I’m a Certified Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer & Counsellor. I have several years of experience working with clients by helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. I have a passion for improving lives & If you want to feel better in body & mind, I hope we can work together soon!


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