Need a Remedial Massage?

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What is Remedial Massage? It's a layered approach to relieving your pain and tension.

Remedial Massage involves the use of many techniques to thoroughly treat the pains you may be having. Typically it comes with an assessment of the body and how your neutral posture is aligned. There may be range of motion tests or orthopaedic tests done in order to further diagnose what’s happening in your body. You may have tightness in the hips on the front side that is actually what’s causing you lower back pain! Or it could be the rounding of your shoulders making your back and neck muscles work even harder to keep you upright, causing an overload!

Once we’ve established what’s happening for you, we will know exactly where to treat and how! Then we take a layered approach to treating the tissue with a warm up, deep tissue and capping off with stretches or stretch prescription. With a Remedial Massage you will get more information about why you feel tense and in pain if you do. You can’t go wrong with a Remedial Massage at CloudForm!

The aim of the game is to leave you feeling even better than ever for longer so that you can live at your best and do the things that you need to do…without all the tension and pain!


Hi! I’m Alan. I’m a Certified Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer & Counsellor. I have several years of experience working with clients by helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. I have a passion for improving lives & If you want to feel better in body & mind, I hope we can work together soon!

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My neck is in pain! Help!