How Often Should You Get Massage Therapy?

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This question wholeheartedly depends on if your massage therapist is a T-Rex or not. Those short arms need some damn time to recharge!

In all seriousness, a complex question typically has a complex answer but for the most part we could sum the answer up here as ‘it depends’. How helpful, I know.

In the case of massage, I am one of those people who believes the more the better and I do not believe that you can “overdo it” or cause harm when it comes to the body. I have some clientele who I could probably massage for 6 Hours straight and still have some tension left over. That’s not because I’m bad at what I do, but because there are layers upon layers of tissue restriction that have been barely moved or released in YEARS. YEARS I tell you. When the tension builds up and travels everywhere, one hour simply does not cut it when it comes to releasing this tension. Expectations must be tempered if you want to feel your best, time must be committed and the body must be given the space to unwind it requires.

As a general rule, I do think the more the better and there isn’t really a way to hit the limit bar using the pressure of a solid block of steel day in day out. It’s kind of like painting a room, even if you do release an area completely and jellify it, you still have other rooms or in this case parts of the body that will be needing doing, their 2nd coat or perhaps have dried etc by now and are ready to be massaged again.

If you were to come in for a certain issue then I could give an absolute timeframe to release the issue within a certain range. Everyone is different but with typical and common issues there is a list of muscles that need to be worked on that doesn’t vary too much. Most of the time though, there is tension in more than just the problem area that you feel and it’s for this reason in particular that there is no such thing as too much massage!

I am yet to meet the mythical client who has no tension and does not need a massage! If they exist, I will be waiting though. Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket on that day.

To book in for your next Remedial Massage, simply head on over to our booking page and lets get you in for a Shoulder Massage, ease off that Hip Pain or whatever else might be going on for you!


Hi! I’m Alan. I’m a Certified Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer & Counsellor. I have several years of experience working with clients by helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. I have a passion for improving lives & If you want to feel better in body & mind, I hope we can work together soon!

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